Global Space Foundation
Phone: (832) 317-2872

Associations & Partnerships

This is a list of companies and associations which the Global Spoace Foundation is working on agreements.

List of private Spaceflight Companies collected by Wikipedia.

Cosmosphere - KS, contacted 06/20
SpaceWorks Enterprises (Partner w/ Cosmosphere) - GA
NASA Facility
Johnson Space Center - Clearlake
Space Center Houston (Museum & Visitor Center for JSC) - Clearlake
Colleges or Universities

Lone Star Collge -

777 Conroe Park N Dr, Conroe, TX 77303

3200 College Park Dr, Conroe, TX 77384 (936-273-7000) (Montgomery)

5000 Research Forest Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381 (832-813-6500)